SRRFC Operations & Team Boards

With the conclusion of their 2024 spring season, Severn met as teams and as a current club to vote in the officers for their Operations Board and Team Boards. Congratulations to the 2024-2025 officers! 

Honey Badgers Team Board (listed left to right, top to bottom)

  • Katie Turner- Team Alumni Relations Chair

  • Madison Drum - Team Treasurer

  • Ava Dennis- Team Social Chair

  • Hannah Drilling - Team Field & Equipment

  • Jazmin Lawhorn- Team DEI Chair

  • Maria Russo- Team President

  • Lily Soliday- Team VP

  • Catherine Giordano- Team Social Media Chair

  • Samantha Bottorf- Team Match Secretary

  • Katie Marshall & Erin Gallagher Johnson- Team Captains

Men’s Team Board (listed left to right)

  • Jake Davis- Team Social Media Chair

  • Andrew Brewer - Team Field & Equipment Manager

  • Taylor Gavigan - Team Match Secretary

  • Daniel Wooddell - Team Captain

  • Zay Perry- Team President

  • Mike Divver- Team Social Chair

  • Brett Shoemaker- Team Governor

  • Nick Stratchko- Team Treasurer

  • (Not Pictured) Phillip Denton- Team Alumni Relations Chair

Operations Board (listed left to right)

  • Steve Long- Operations Treasurer

  • Joe Milluzo - Operations President

  • Samantha Bottorf- Operations VP

  • Katie Marshall- Operations Social Media

  • Jake Davis - Operations Secretary

  • (Not Pictured) Zay Perry - Men’s Team President

  • (Not Pictured) Maria Russo- Honey Badger Team President

SRRFC Board of Directors

The newly formed SRRFC Board of Directors held their first meeting in Glen Burnie on Tuesday, July 9, 2024. The agenda included finalizing the 2024-2025 meeting schedule, setting staggered terms for the inaugural class, appointing officers, and selecting committee chairs.  They also met with Operations Board, President Joe Milluzzo and Treasurer, Steve Long to review the operations goals and budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The inaugural meeting marked the beginning of an exciting chapter for the future success and growth of the club.

Schedule for the 2024-2025 BoD Meetings:

  • Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

  • Wednesday, November 13th, 2024

  • Wednesday, January 15th, 2025

  • Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

  • Wednesday, May 14th, 2025

BoD member terms:

  • Jenn Fenzel- 3 years- Alumni

  • Rachel Priddy- 3 years- Alumni

  • Lily Soliday- 3 years- Current Team

  • Milton Greenstreet- 3 years- Current Team

  • Kate Fitzgerald- 2 years- Alumni

  • Ruth Seerey- 2 years- Alumni

  • Katie Turner- 2 years - Current Team

  • Erik Dronberger- 2 years- Current Team

  • Henry Posko- 1 year- Alumni

  • Marty O’Neill- 1 year- Alumni

  • Charlee Bryan- 1 year - Current Team

  • Colin Gotimer- 1 year - Current Team

*** Members can serve up to two three-year terms, for a maximum of six years. To ensure continuity, we staggered the terms so that only four positions can be turnover at a time.

Officers were confirmed:

  • Chair: Rachel Priddy

  • Vice Chair: Milton Greenstreet

  • Treasurer: Katie Turner

  • Secretary: Jenn Fenzel

***Officers were confirmed for a one-year term.

Committees and Chairs:

  • Alumni Committee Chair- Rachel Priddy 

  • Recruitment Committee Chair- Erik Dronberger

  • Infrastructure Committee Chair- Henry Posko

  • Fundraising Committee Chair- Lily Soliday and Marty O’Neil

  • Youth Development Committee Chair- Ruth Seerey and Lily Soliday

  • Systems & Structure Committee Chair- Charlee Bryan

  • Finance Committee Chair- Katie Turner

  • BoD Development Committee Chair- Milton Greenstreet

Alumni Charter: To create an alumni organization dedicated to supporting and furthering the legacy of SRRFC rugby club. As former members of the club, we understand the importance of maintaining connections and fostering camaraderie beyond our playing days.

Recruitment Charter: The recruitment committee shall assist the Severn River Rugby Club in maintaining a consistent influx of new players, both established and developing, as well as alumni participation membership. 

Infrastructure Charter: Supporting growth of the club through the current resources and future resources/partnering with AA County.

Fundraising Charter: Build a financial infrastructure for the club to support both day-to-day operation and future investments.

Youth Development Charter: Take a leadership role in the recruitment, education, engagement, and interest cultivation of children and families regarding the sport of rugby.

Systems and Structure Charter: Anticipate, analyze, mitigate, and document potential legal, player welfare, PR, and digital risks that could impact the club and its stakeholders.

Finance Charter: Develop the future financial structure of the club. 

BoD Development Charter: We are committed to creating a pipeline for future leadership within the Board of Directors.

***The BoD is always looking for committee members. If you are a member ‘in good standing’, alumni or current player and interested in participating on a committee please reach out to the BoD @ and we will have the chair of that committee get in touch.

SRRFC Board of Directors Officers (Listed left to right)

  • Rachel Priddy- BoD Chair

  • Milton Greenstreet- BoD Vice Chair

  • Katie Turner- BoD Treasurer

  • Jenn Fenzel- BoD Secretary

SRRFC Board of Directors Members at Large (Listed left to right, top to bottom)

  • Charlee Bryan

  • Erik Dronberger

  • Katie Fitzgerald

  • Colin Gotimer

  • Marty O’Neill

  • Henry Posko

  • Ruth Seerey

  • Lily Soliday